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Zero to Won newsletter

Thora Flatley
November 2, 2023
July 17, 2024
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Zero to Won is a newsletter about success stories of startups & those who entered the business world, started the struggle from scratch & took their small business ventures to the next level. The newsletter is full of motivation.
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What is Zero To Won about?

Zero to Won is a newsletter about success stories of startups & those who entered the business world, started the struggle from scratch & took their small business ventures to the next level. The newsletter is full of motivation. It is a great read for novice entrepreneurs striving for success and becoming better founders. Each edition contains one success story that usually begins with a relevant picture. The design is simple, yet the content is engaging enough to grab the reader's attention and keep him captivated till the end. Let’s tell you more about it in this Zero to Won newsletter review.

The newsletter structure of Zero to Won

  • The newsletter begins with the date on the top right & the title of the newsletter with its tagline, i.e., The Stories Behind The Startups.
  • Next, you will see the week's success story, followed by an engaging caption that indicates the storyline.
  • Later, you will see a picture that is related to the story & gives you a quick view of the story.
  • The author then gives a quick intro to the story covered in the newsletter.
  • The story is divided into sections.
  • In the end, the author invites readers to book a call with him & share their journey, burnouts and struggles to feel lighter.
  • The newsletter's footer includes the option to unsubscribe or update the email preferences if needed.  

Is it free or paid?

Zero to Won newsletter is free of cost. However, the content and the message it delivers are invaluable. Subscribing the newsletter is also very straightforward. Just visit the official website, navigate to the subscription tab, and submit your email address to subscribe to the potent dose of this weekly newsletter. Each edition comes with a motivation to stand up and strive hard for success. Next, this Zero to Won newsletter review brings you a brief intro to the author.

Who is behind this newsletter?

Nelson Jordan, the author of the Zero to Won newsletter, is a Marketing graduate. He is a freelance copywriter as well as the founder of a startup. His journey is full of thick and thin, so he wants to become a motivation for young entrepreneurs and startups who have been struggling to grow. His write-ups are simple, compelling, comprehensive, and an inspiration for young leaders and founders. Moreover, he has excellent story-telling skills that make Zero to Won a hit.

Is Zero To Won Legit?  

Zero to Won is all about the journey of founders and business owners who struggled hard to reach the top. The content is ethical, motivating, and simple, and there is no doubt in its legitimacy. The author is a well-experienced individual who narrates real-world success stories in an engaging tone. The official website also provides complete information about the newsletter's author and team.

Zero To Won Reviews: What do readers think about this newsletter?

The Zero to Won newsletter is an absolute hit among readers as they love how the author explains different concepts and stories simply yet engagingly. Zero to Won newsletter reviews from the readers show that they appreciate Nelson’s advice. They wait for the newsletter eagerly to learn more about becoming successful entrepreneurs. You will only find good words from his subscribers who believe Nelson shares his secrets with them – and they love it!

My Honest Review of Zero To Won

The author proficiently narrates the stories in a simple yet engaging tone so the readers stick to the story till the end. Moreover, the stories are true and depict the real-life struggles of famous people who have taken their businesses to new heights. The core objective of Nelson is to raise awareness about business ethics and values through which one can take a startup to the next level. The design and user interface are simple and typically include a relevant picture. The overall appearance could be more visually interactive, but the content delivers the true essence of the writer's objective.