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The Rundown Newsletter

Marian Schultz
November 2, 2023
July 17, 2024
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If you are interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and want to stay updated on the latest developments, trends, and breakthroughs in this field, you might have come across The Rundown AI newsletter.
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This daily newsletter gives you a rundown of the latest developments in AI before everyone else. But is it worth subscribing to? In this The Rundown newsletter review, I will tell you what The Rundown AI newsletter is about, including its pros and cons, structure, topics, and pricing. I will also share my honest opinion on whether it is worth your time and money.

What is The Rundown Newsletter about?

The Rundown AI newsletter is a daily email newsletter that covers the latest news, stories, and insights on AI from various sources. Rowan Cheung and Riley Lamont, two AI enthusiasts with computer science and journalism backgrounds, curate this newsletter for you carefully. They started The Rundown AI newsletter in 2020 as a passion project to share their curiosity and fascination with AI with others. According to their website, they have over 190,000+ daily readers from Microsoft, Tesla, Nasa, Meta, and more.

The Structure of The Rundown Newsletter

  • It starts with a catchy headline that summarizes the main theme or topic of the issue.
  • After the title, a short introduction sets the tone and context for the issue. Here, the author explains why the theme or topic is important, the main challenges or opportunities, and the implications for the future.
  • Next is a list of a few bullet points highlighting the key stories or developments in AI for that day. The author selects the most relevant and interesting stories from various sources and summarizes them in a concise and clear way.
  • The newsletter also provides an active link to the source of each story, enabling readers to access more information if desired.
  • Moving toward the end, the newsletter concludes with a closing remark that effectively wraps up the issue and extends an invitation for feedback or comments. Rowan and Riley thank the readers for their attention and encourage them to share their thoughts or suggestions with The Rundown AI.

What topics does The Rundown Newsletter cover?

In the Rundown Newsletter review, how can we forget to discuss the various topics it covers? The Rundown AI newsletter is a comprehensive source of information and insights on various aspects of artificial intelligence. It covers a wide range of topics, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics that are essential for understanding the current and future capabilities of AI systems.

Computer vision is the field of AI that enables machines to perceive and understand visual information, such as images and videos. Natural language processing is the branch of AI that aims to enable machines to communicate with humans using natural languages, such as speech and text.

Robotics is the discipline of AI that involves creating machines that can perform tasks and manipulate objects in the physical world. The Rundown AI newsletter provides readers with the latest news, research, and applications of these and other AI topics and their implications for society and humanity.

Is it free or paid?

The Rundown AI newsletter is free to subscribe to and read. You can sign up with your email address on their website and receive it in your inbox every weekday in the morning (US time). You can also unsubscribe at any time if you wish.

PS: My Honest Review of The Rundown Newsletter

The Rundown AI newsletter is a great way to get a quick and fun overview of the latest developments in AI every day. It is concise, informative, diverse, timely, and free. However, it is not very deep, objective, or balanced. This newsletter is more suitable for casual readers who want a glimpse of what's happening in AI rather than serious learners looking forward to digging deeper into the technical details or the broader implications of AI.

Overall, in this The Rundown Newsletter Review, I would recommend it to anyone curious about AI and wanting to stay updated on the latest news and stories in this field. Still, I would also advise them to read the original sources and do their own research if they want to learn more or form their own opinions.

The Rundown AI newsletter is designed to give you a quick and easy overview of the latest news and trends in artificial intelligence. Whether you are an AI enthusiast, a researcher, a developer, or a business leader, you will find something interesting and relevant in each issue.