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Hola Papi Newsletter

Marian Schultz
November 2, 2023
July 17, 2024
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Hola Papi is a popular LGBTQ and Latino advice column popular for its honest and hilarious advice. The newsletter gives answers to questions, and helps people come out on issues they would normally be judged for. It answers the questions from subscribers in ways that are not offensive yet satisafactory.
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What is Hola Papi Newsletter?

Hola Papi is a popular LGBTQ and Latino advice column popular for its honest and hilarious advice. The newsletter gives answers to questions, and helps people come out on issues they would normally be judged for. It answers the questions from subscribers in ways that are not offensive yet satisafactory.

The newsletter is full of wisdom on love and life in general and also projects what it means to be queer in todays society. It has given some of its subscribers the courage to come out without the fear of being judged as John Paul Brammer, the author, gives relatable advice from his personal experience. The newsletter discusses difficult topics in a very compassionate way and also gives subscribers the opportunity of requesting for topics they would like to be disussed in future episodes.

The newsletter structure of Hola Papi

The following is the newsletter structure of Hola Papi:

  • First is the header containing the title of the episode. Underneath the header is the author’s name and date of publication.
  • After the header, there is a column asking you to support the author’s career by upgrading to a paid subscription.
  • The newsletter is filled with images and depending on the episode, there may be tweets in between, a button to leave a comment, or a button to upgrade your subscription or gift a subscription.  
  • Then comes the closing remark after the issue has been discussed. After this, there is the comment section. Sometimes, there are links to top articles, new articles, and community articles.

The pictorial structure of the newsletter helps it to be fun. This way, readers will always be happy when a new episode hits their inbox.

Is it free or paid?

The Hola Papi newsletter is a weekly newsletter that is both free and paid. The newsletter has three payment options; the monthly option for $6, the annual option for $60 yearly or $5 monthly, and the founding member option for above $60 yearly. Each payment option has its own advantages and packages it offers.

The free newsletter only comes with the occasional public posts while the paid subscribers get full access to exclusive columns, gauranteed response to their letters, and a monthly column that answers more letters. They also have the advantage of personally requesting topics and subjects. Even as a free subscriber, you get an invite to join the community and share your thoughts.  

Who is behind this newsletter?

John Paul Brammer, an American author, illustrator, and a vocal advocate for queer rights is the owner of the Hola Papi newsletter. He has published books and started the Hola Papi newsletter as a means of helping people discuss dificult situation as well as provide answers from his experience. He  also worked as a stand-up comedian and this is evident in his newsletter as he writes in a funny and converstional style.

His style of writing makes the Hola Papi newsletter one to look forward to. John Paul Brammer sees the newsletter as an extension of his brand and he makes sure to have a consistent voice across all platforms.

Is Hola Papi Newsletter Legit?

Absolutely. Be rest assured that you have no cause to worry as the Hola Papi newsletter is 100% legit. In addition to the popularity and reputability of its owner, the newsletter is published by well known media outlets like the NBC News. With over 350k+ subscribers, and an author that has been featured in many publications and also has a large number of loyal followers, the Hola Papi newsletter is one of the trustworthy sources of information.

Who reads the Hola Papi newsletter?

Based on the diversity of its content, the Hola Papi newsletter has a number of diverse readers from different genders, age, and race. Because of its major content, the newsletter has a strong LGBTQ+ following. Its subscribers are not limited to just queer people as it also has a large number of straight readers.

A lot of people find the newsletter worthy as it covers issues that will not be talked about normally in a manner that makes it relatable and easy to discuss. Also, the ability to join the subscribers chat and share thoughts is a plus as people get to talk about their issues and learn from the experiences of others.

Hola Papi Newsletter Reviews: What do readers think about this newsletter?

A lot of readers find this newsletter interesting and also see it as an eye opener as it gives them advice on some difficult situations and help them know they are not alone in whatever it is they are facing. The author writes about difficult situations in an empathic way and this helps to make the issues discussed relatable.

The reviews are majorly positive, as readers see it as a very valuable inclusion to their mail list and also appreciate the use of humor while being sincere. The newsletter covers a wide range of topics, and this helps increase its subscribers as it is not limited to a certain set of people.

My Honest Review of Hola Papi Newsletter

The Hola Papi newsletter is well-written and very conversational. The author writes in such a way that the reader feels comfortable and almost as if they are having a physical conversation with him. The inclusionn of humor in the newsletter does not make it derail from its essence as it still serves it purpose of discussing difficult topics, answering questions, and creating thought-provoking content for its readers.

The fact that the newsletter is able to cover a wide range of topics about life is very interesting as it makes each episode one to look forward to as subscribers do not know what topic to expect next. However, one downside is that the newsletter can be a little bit bulky at times but the inclusion of humor covers up for this as the subscriber does not get bored while reading.