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AI In The Loop Newsletter

Marian Schultz
November 2, 2023
July 17, 2024
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The In the Loop AI Newsletter is a perfect newsletter that keeps you in the loop with AI information. It covers everything from the latest AI news to how you can leverage AI to your benefit. This AI in the Loop newsletter review tells you why it is equally good for everyone. Whether you have a job, run a business, or look forward to investing, AI in the Loop shares the good and bad aspects of life in relation to AI.The In the Loop AI Newsletter is a perfect newsletter that keeps you in the loop with AI information. It covers everything from the latest AI news to how you can leverage AI to your benefit. This AI in the Loop newsletter review tells you why it is equally good for everyone. Whether you have a job, run a business, or look forward to investing, AI in the Loop shares the good and bad aspects of life in relation to AI.
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What is In The Loop AI Newsletter about?

The In the Loop AI Newsletter is a perfect newsletter that keeps you in the loop with AI information. It covers everything from the latest AI news to how you can leverage AI to your benefit. This AI in the Loop newsletter review tells you why it is equally good for everyone. Whether you have a job, run a business, or look forward to investing, AI in the Loop shares the good and bad aspects of life in relation to AI.

This newsletter lands in your inbox multiple times a week with something new to blow your mind!

The newsletter structure of In The Loop AI Newsletter

The newsletter has a straightforward structure, with multiple news pieces categorized into sections properly. AI in the Loop looks like the following when you open the email:

  • You will see the date and 'read online' link on the top right as you open the email.
  • The main topic in the center in a large font is just after the date.
  • After introducing you to the main story, the author provides shareable links on the right side.
  • Next, the author, John Makore, greets you with a daily greeting: “Happy Tuesday,” “Happy Friday,” etc., followed by a short sentence, delving more into the details of the topic in the newsletter.
  • Then, he tells you about all the topics (usually two) you will learn more about.
  • Following the initial introductory elements, Makore explains both stories in detail.
  • Each newsletter edition has two common sections: 'The Best AI Tools To Use’ and ‘Sponsorship Opportunities.’
  • In the end, you will see the "Click to Share" CTA, followed by a link to view all the rewards.

Is it free or paid?

In the Loop, AI is absolutely free, and you get to read it multiple times throughout the week with unique stories every time. You can subscribe to the newsletter at Beehiiv and enjoy all the editions. The next part of the AI in the Loop newsletter review is a short intro of the author.

Who is behind this newsletter?

In the Loop AI is crafted and shared by John Makore, who writes these informative pieces on Beehiiv and shares them with his readers through email.

Is In the Loop AI Newsletter Legit?

Yes, In the Loop AI newsletter is a legit newsletter with thousands of readers. The Author, John Makore, shares a new piece every few days on Beehiiv and in subscribers' emails. Subscribing to the newsletter lets you read the newsletter without visiting the website daily.

In the Loop AI Newsletter Reviews: What do readers think about this newsletter?

The Loop AI newsletter is popular among readers because of its sleek and straightforward format. Many readers like this newsletter as it does not overwhelm you with a lot of information at once. You can easily skim through the newsletter without worrying about skipping any part. The elegant design ensures you read everything. Thus, readers believe it is one of the best newsletters for beginners wanting to learn about AI. It shares news in an easy-to-follow manner, using simple words to help them understand conveniently.

My Honest Review of In the Loop AI Newsletter

If you ask me, I would not rate it the highest in this AI in the Loop newsletter review, as you can find many other newsletters focusing entirely on AI. Yet, it is a good choice to stay up-to-date on the AI landscape without getting into much depth. It is also an excellent source to learn about the best AI tools. On the positive side, it has a sophisticated structure and design. It does not look like a vomit on words in your email. Instead, each section is beautifully distinguished using solid color blocks and interactive fonts.

Subscribe to the newsletter to learn and decide for yourself!